Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Wow , sometimes you just have to stand back and admire the depth of man's stupidity! Virtual worlds are probably the best example of human stupidity at it's peak. A virtual world is like a video game that goes on for ever and ever and ever , till your soul becomes as black as hell itself and you cannot breathe till you fucking LOGIN to your virtual world.

Now , how the hell did we get virtual world/s ?? Apparently some prick , no wait it's more like a bunch of pricks , were so unhappy with their lives that they decided to make a program which would allow them to live in a 'u-fucking-topia' and earn fancy money that is nothing but some pixels on the screen. While they were trying to fool the world into exchanging real cash for some of their pixel currency , they were also SECRETLY JACKING OFF while watching the 4-some sex they were having in their virtual world , with their little virtual girl-friends , who in real life happened to be an abandoned group of hippies and transvestites! And if this wasn't enough , people all over the world lost their marbles and decided to join up and pay real , hard-earned cash to ACTUALLY LIVE in their virtual dung hills!! Talk about wasting your money and life....

Apparently , Second Life will one day become a very complex and accurate representation of real life. In fact it's going to be more real than you and me. Maybe one day we will have access to virtual world problems and maybe something like the V-8 will be formed in Second Life. (It's kinda like the G-8 but only virtual) Who knows , there might even be an outbreak of virtual AIDS , virtual poverty , virtual wars (oh wait , we already do have virtual wars in video games) . One day your virtual girl-friends might start getting knocked up by the ultra-fertilizing power of the semen of a super-sexy Second Life rockstar , who in real life is an impotent pedophile who can't even get his pecker up!

The bottomline is there is no point in paying money to live in another that is trying to mimic our world. You know there's a whole new world outside that window , with real girls , food and sex. Yes , I'm talking to you virtual moron. STOP BEING STUPID !!!Turn-off your PC and GET A FUCKING LIFE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!! Go OUT and meet some REAL people for a change!

Remember - Spread Love , NOT AIDS. Use Condoms , stay safe!(Even in second life)


1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Sorry about the irrelevant comment. I didn't know where I could tell you this.

    Thanks a ton friend for recommending the FLock browser. I am really enjoying it so far.

    Added you to my blogroll too. :)

